StrengthBuilding with Parents consists of training and coaching designed to assist parents to:
- Raise happy and healthy children who know how to use their strengths in positive and effective ways
- Become more competent, successful parents
- Create effective relationships with their children and partner
- Help others learn about their strengths and how to use them
- Confront others about their behavior in a positive way
- Use their strengths to reach their potential and help others reach theirs
- Identify the barriers to effective communication
As parents learn about their strengths and the strengths of their children, they begin to realize their power to effect change in their lives and in the lives of their children. The result is that parents begin to understand that they need to take an active role in all areas of their children’s lives. As they do this, their children become stronger in being who they are and using their strengths to create lives that are meaningful to them.
This active parental involvement in children’s lives extends into the school community. There is extensive research that documents the impact of parental involvement in children’s ability to learn, succeed, have high expectations for themselves and achieve their goals.
You can join other parents throughout the community when you attend StrengthBuilding with Parents scheduled at a time and location that is convenient for you.